Festival Musica sull’Acqua

Joy’s Story

Mime Director & Educator

  “ …a profoundly moving, artistically delicate rendering of a brutal story…”

  - Miriam Giovanna, Founder and Director, Terre di Mezzo Publishing House, Milan

Photos by Camilla Mastaglio

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  •  Joy was born in Nigeria with albinism - her skin and hair are white and her eyes are pink. In her country that was considered a curse on her family. Newborns with albinism were killed. Joy’s parents saved her and raised her as part of a loving family. They made sure she went to school even though she was teased and bullied all the time. But she was very smart and excelled at her studies. One day, when she was a young woman, she went for a run but was kidnapped and taken into captivity. She was treated very badly and was beaten often, especially when she tried to stand up for herself. She was sold as a slave and brought to an unfamiliar place far from her home and her parents. Her parents searched for her constantly and never gave up hope that they would find Joy again. After a long time as a slave, an older wealthy man who was involved in the trafficking ring took pity on her. He bought her from her captors and took her to Libya where he put her on a boat to Sicily. When she arrived she was welcomed by the people and brought to a social service organization where she received medical and psychological attention. After a short time they sent her to their facility in Trento in the north of Italy where she has been ever since. She studies international law, has written her diary, writes and performs her own music and has a passion for politics. She has been in touch with her parents but has not yet been reunited with them. She misses them deeply. In her words, she remains with “fingers crossed, eyes open, heart beating.”

  • Joy was born in Nigeria with albinism - her skin and hair are white and her eyes are pink. In her country that is considered a curse on her family. Newborns with albinism were killed. Joy’s parents saved her and raised her as part of a loving family. They made sure she went to school even though she was tormented, bullied and ostracized. On a swimming outing with her family another child tried to drown her. A profound inner strength constantly fought against despair and moved her always to stand up for herself. She was an excellent student with a profound intelligence and she excelled at her studies. As a young woman, Joy jogged regularly. One morning during her run several men seized her, threw her into the trunk of a car and kidnapped her. She awoke hog-tied in a place of human sacrifice. But instead of offering her to their spirits they raped her. Still she managed to escape and was picked up by a woman and the woman’s brother. She was taken to a dank place with many other young women. During the night they young women were taken outside in smaller groups and raped by the men waiting outside. The next day she and several other young women were sold to a group of men who drove them far away. When they arrived, Joy realized she had been purchased as a sex slave. Endless days of rapes and beatings followed. A long time later an older wealthy man who was part of the trafficking ring took pity on her. He purchased her, took her to Libya and put her on a boat to Sicily. When she arrived she was welcomed by the people and brought to a social service organization where she received medical and psychological attention. After a short time they sent her to their facility in Trento in the north of Italy where she has been ever since. She studies international law, has written her diary, writes and performs her own music and has a passion for politics. She has been in touch with her parents but has not yet been reunited with them. She misses them deeply. In her words, she remains with “fingers crossed, eyes open, heart beating.”